Do I have to pay sales tax?

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Generally speaking, if we are moving your goods in a MI-BOX container, then the rental and transportation charges for your container are not subject to sales tax.  If we are not moving your goods, then the rental of your container and the associated transportation charges are subject to sales tax.  All product sales and blanket rentals are taxed. If you are a charitable organization and you can provide a valid Texas Sales and Use Tax Exemption Certification form OR if you are reselling our services (e.g., you are a restoration company or contractor who will charge sales tax on the price including our charges) and can provide us with a Texas Sales and Use Tax Resale Certificate, then we  do not have to charge sales tax.  Remember that the payer must be the tax exempt organization or reseller.  You cannot claim a tax exemption as a person if you are not the exempt organization. You can find both the reseller and the tax exemption forms from the State of Texas by clicking here.