Packing & Storage Tips – Keep a List

Posted onCategoriesFAQs, Packing
You will not remember what is where after the chaos of even the best-planned move, so write it all down. Use your computer or a pad and write a list with three columns and the headings “MI-BOX #,” “Box #,” “Contents.” Each MI-BOX mobile storage container has a number on the outside. That is your “MI-BOX #.” “Box #” is a sequential number you write on each packing box. These should start from 1 and go up. Never repeat a number. You may want to fill out a set of stickers to put on boxes as you pack (for the top and at least 2 sides of each box). Do not lose this list. Always leave it in the same place if it is not with you, and make sure everyone who is packing knows what that place is. That place is probably where you want to keep your stickers (fragile, this side up, box numbers, etc.) and packing accessories like boxes, paper, tape, bubble-wrap, etc. Keeping it all in one place makes packing go faster. As you pack, keep the list current. If something is not in a box (e.g., a headboard for your bed, etc.), just put a MI-BOX # and description on that row of the table. When you fill a MI-BOX mobile storage container, put a copy of the list of what’s in that container in a zip-lock bag in the front of the container. When and if you remove something from a box, mark it off the master list and the copy in that box. Now if you need to get into a MI-BOX container to find something, you’ll know just where it is, Plus, in the unlikely event of an insurance claim, you will bless the day you made that list. They also help as you plan unloading. You can have us deliver your MI-BOX portable storage containers in any order if you have more than one, and this list will help you decide which to deliver first.